Divine Liturgy Schedule
Saturdays: Vigil Divine Liturgy 5:00pm (location alternates between Beaverdale and Dunlo)
Sundays: The Third Hour – 8:40am; Divine Liturgy – 9:00am
Feast Vigil: Great Vespers with Litija (Parish and Time announced in the bulletin)
Feast Day: The Third Hour – 8:45am; Divine Liturgy – 9:00am
Weekdays (as announced): The Third Hour – 7:45; Divine Liturgy – 8:00am
Great Fast Schedule
Pure Monday: Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts – 7:00pm
Lenten Wednesdays and Fridays: Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts – 7:00pm
Great and Holy Week: (Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday) Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts – 7:00pm
Great & Holy Thursday: Vespers with Divine Liturgy – 7:00pm (Institution of the Eucharist & Betrayal By Judas)
Great and Holy Friday: Matins & Reading of the passions Gospels – 10:00am; Solemn Vespers & Procession with Burial Shroud – 7:00pm
Pascha (Easter): Paschal Divine Liturgy – 10:30am
Holy Mysteries
Baptism/Chrismation/Eucharist: Preferably celebrated during Sunday Liturgy; Pre-baptism catechesis required; Contact pastor for arrangements
Reconciliation: Saturdays at 3:00pm; ½ hour before all services, except Sundays
Crowning in Marriage: Contact pastor for arrangements; Six month period of preparation required; Pre-Cana program attendance required
Holy Anointing: When visiting homebound or in hospital; Great & Hole Wednesday during the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts; Contact pastor when needed at other times